Norton WiFi Privacy (VPN)


Installing from the website (recommended)

  1. Open your internet browser and go to
  2. Follow the instructions on screen.
    1. When prompted, enter the Product Key.
    2. Login to your Norton account or create one when requested.
  3. You can go back to to install your Norton product on other devices.

Please feel free to contact us or Symantec directly for any further assistance.

Norton Technical Helpline UK = 020 7616 5600

Norton Technical Helpline (European Countries):

· Belgium = + 32 (0)2 2566625

· Denmark = +45 35 25 80 10

· Finland = + 358 (0)9 23 113405

· France = +33 (0)1 73 01 84 99

· Deutschland = +49 (0)69 66 40 4388

· Schweiz = +41 (0)44 212 00 32

· Österreich = +43 (0)1 501 596 004

· Luxembourg = +352 2984795023

· Greece = 0 0800 4414 4299

· Ireland = + 353 (0)1 601 1906

· Italia = +39 02 4527 9054

· Svizzera = +41 (0)44 212 00 32

· Nederland = +31 (0) 20 5040 539

· België = +32 (0) 2 2566625

· Poland = +48 22 2030314

· Portugal = 800 780 066

· Spain = +34 91 177 6150

· Sweden = + 46 (0)8 57929037

· Switzerland = + 41 (0)44 212 00 32

· United Kingdom = +44 (0)20 7616 5600

Mustech Customer Service