Installing from the website (recommended)
- Open your internet browser and go to
- Follow the instructions on screen.
- When prompted, enter the Product Key.
- Login to your Norton account or create one when requested.
- You can go back to to install your Norton product on other devices.
Please feel free to contact us or Symantec directly for any further assistance.
Norton Technical Helpline UK = 020 7616 5600
Norton Technical Helpline (European Countries):
· Belgium = + 32 (0)2 2566625
· Denmark = +45 35 25 80 10
· Finland = + 358 (0)9 23 113405
· France = +33 (0)1 73 01 84 99
· Deutschland = +49 (0)69 66 40 4388
· Schweiz = +41 (0)44 212 00 32
· Österreich = +43 (0)1 501 596 004
· Luxembourg = +352 2984795023
· Greece = 0 0800 4414 4299
· Ireland = + 353 (0)1 601 1906
· Italia = +39 02 4527 9054
· Svizzera = +41 (0)44 212 00 32
· Nederland = +31 (0) 20 5040 539
· België = +32 (0) 2 2566625
· Poland = +48 22 2030314
· Portugal = 800 780 066
· Spain = +34 91 177 6150
· Sweden = + 46 (0)8 57929037
· Switzerland = + 41 (0)44 212 00 32
· United Kingdom = +44 (0)20 7616 5600
Mustech Customer Service